A Beginner’s Guide to Deep Root Fertilization

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Although we at Hudson Tree Services have plenty of experience in removing trees, we try to preserve trees whenever possible. If any of the trees on your property are showing signs of decline, we can help revive them with deep root fertilization.

A Beginner’s Guide to Deep Root Fertilization

Most people outside the landscaping and tree care industries have never heard of this process, so we have put together this article to provide an overview of how it works and the benefits it offers.

  • What is deep root fertilization? As the name suggests, deep root fertilization is a specialized method of applying fertilizer, and it is specifically designed to help struggling trees and shrubs. Simply adding a layer of fertilizer on top of the soil is not the most effective way to supply trees and shrubs with the nutrients they need. Instead, our team injects fertilizer 10-15 cm deep in the soil, which is where most of a tree’s feeder roots are located, making it much easier for the tree to absorb the nutrients it requires. In addition, we typically inject fertilizer in a grid pattern throughout the area under the tree canopy, from the trunk out to the dripline (the edge of the outer circle of branches).
  • Why is deep root fertilization necessary? Broadly speaking, many trees need deep root fertilization because the soil they’re in simply doesn’t have enough of the right nutrients. As for why deep root fertilization is recommended over another method, the answer to that question is because this method gets the nutrients right where the tree can most easily absorb them.